After the Festa Major de Gràcia, the Festa Major de Sants is the most anticipated of Barcelona’s summer. At the end of August, when the sun is no longer so scorching and at night we can start to put on a rebequita, begins a week of festivities with which to face the arrival of September and the end of the vacations with a better mood.
So, this year, the Festes Majors de Sants 2024 will be held from August 24 to September 1, and, as is tradition, the proclamation will give the starting shot to nine days of activities, concerts and popular culture. The traditional proclamation that kicks off the festivities will be followed by nine days of festivities that will end with the Piromusical show at the Parc de l’Espanya Indus trial..
Among the novelties of the Festa Major is the transfer of the Fair from the surroundings of the Sants Station to the stretch of the Badal and Brasil ramblas between Daoiz y Velarde street and Madrid Avenue due to the works that are being implemented in the road that separates the station and the Parc de l’Espanya Indústrial.
So grab paper and pen because we tell you everything you need to know not to miss anything of the Festa Major de Sants 2023.
When are the Festa Major de Sants 2024?
This year, the festivities of Sants will start on Saturday, August 24 with a parade at 18:30 pm, with a parade that will run through the streets of the neighborhood from the street of Sants in front of the Civic Center Cotxeres.
The festivities s will last until September 1, when they will end with the Piromusical show.
The proclamation
This year, the town crier of the festival will be the journalist Jesus Rodriguez, from La Directa, a local reporter and investigative reporter deeply rooted in the neighborhood of Sants, this year is in charge of making the proclamation of this Fiesta Mayor.
He will do it on September 24 at 19:30h. from the balcony of the Casa del Mig, in the Parque del España Industrial. The City Council has enabled this link to follow it live and has reported that there will be a sign interpreter in one of the balconies of the town hall that can be followed in person.
The poster
The winner of the 28th poster contest of the Festa Major de Sants is illustrator Susana Soto who grew up in the neighborhood of Sants and of which she says she has many memories of her childhood. In the poster, the artist wanted to convey through a fresh, fun and spontaneous stroke all the things that happen in the festival and how the neighbors of the neighborhood live it intensely.
All the decorated streets of the Sants Festivities 2024
One of the main attractions of the Festes de Sants is the decoration of its streets. The tradition of covering the streets with decorations dates back to 1943 and, although it was paused for a few years, it is still deeply rooted in the neighborhood and attracts hundreds of visitors.
On Monday, August 26, the awards for the street decorations contest will be presented at 7:30 p.m. at the Parque de España Industrial.
This year up to eleven costumed or decorated streets may be visited:
- Alcolea de Dalt
- Alcolea de Baix
- Finland
- Galileo
- Guadiana – celebrating its 35th anniversary-
- Plaza de la Farga, Papin – which reaches its 10th anniversary-
- Sagunto – celebrating its 30th anniversary-
- Valladolid
- Papin
- Vallespir de Baix – which reaches its 15th anniversary
- Vallespir de Dalt – which celebrates its 40th anniversary
In this articlewe explain in detail what are all the streets in costume and the themes of their “guarnits”.
The concerts of the Sants Festival 2024: Ginestà concert and more than 150 performances
As every year, the streets and squares of Sants become the stages of the Festa Major, with more than 150 concerts and musical performances from Saturday August 24 until August 31.
Some of the most outstanding concerts on this year’s program are Ginestà, Ven’nus, La Karma and Miquel del Roig. Check the festival website to see the program with all the concerts of the festa major.
All the activities of the popular culture
For two weeks, dozens of activities, concerts and samples of popular culture are organized.
Saturday, August 31, for example, will be a day full of activities, starting with castelleras exhibitions in the Plaza de Bonet and Muixí at 10:00 am, and a children’s correfoc at 18:30 pm in the gardens of Can Mantega, followed by an adult correfoc at 21:30 pm from the Plaza de Huesca.
Among the stages of the festival remain the Espanya Industrial park, where the opening speech, the awards ceremony of the street contest and the traditional pyromusical that closes the festival; the Castellers Space in Can Climent square where you can experience the festival concerts; the Cotxeres de Sants where you can follow the games of the Chess Open and the Bonet i Muixí square.
In addition, at street level, there will be a number of guided tours adapted for people with functional diversity.
On the other hand, among the facilities that are added to the festival, the Mercat de Sants, the Lleialtat Santsenca and the Vapor Vell Library are maintained.
You can consult and download all the detailed program on the webpage of the Town Hall.
Mobility during the Festa Major de Sants: map of the closed streets
From August 24 to September 1 circulation will be restricted on the eleven streets that will be decorated for Fiesta Mayor. These days will also be restricted the circulation of Santa Catarina street and the stretch of Andalucía street between Sagunto and San Baltasar. To get to the party, the use of public transport is recommended.
Before, from 20 to 23 August, the eleven streets that will be decorated (Alcolea de Baix, Alcolea de Dalt, Finland, Galileo, Guadiana, Plaza de la Farga, Papin, Sagunto, Valladolid, Vallespir de Dalt and Vallespir de Baix ) will be cut punctually to make possible the tasks of assembly of the covers, ceiling elements and other decorative elements that make up the trimmings.
In addition , from 4 p.m. on August 25 until 1 a.m. on August 26, Muntadas Street will be closed. Likewise, on September 1, from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., the circulation of the section of the Sants-Creu Coberta axis that goes from Olzinelles to Moianès will be restricted due to the athletic and cycling races of the Festa Major. On the occasion of the Plaça de la Farga Race and the children’s and adult Correfocs of Festa Major there will be punctual cuts in the route of both activities scheduled for August 31.
Eating in Sants: gastronomic festivities
Eating out in Sants is a party in itself. The neighborhood, large as it is, is one of the city’s great gastronomic reserves, with great options for food of all kinds, but with a keen eye on traditional Catalan cuisine.
For this reason, we leave you a list with some of our favorite restaurants in Sants (and the articles where we mention them) so that you can have a gastronomic party at the same time.
- Terra descudella. Great Catalan cuisine restaurant that has warned that it will close its doors after the holidays, so running to visit it.
- Buenavista. The best Russian salad in the neighborhood.
- Tramendu. Catalan cuisine renovated with all the letters. The restaurant we would want in any neighborhood, with well-prepared local cuisine and a format that spans from breakfast time to a dinner that goes on and on
- Bodega Bartolí. Classic vermouth and gilda wine cellar, a must.
- Bodega Montferry. The Montferry sandwiches, nothing more needs to be said.
- Kobuta Ramen. Ramen hidden away in Sants that has made a name for itself.
- Forno Bomba. Italian oven withsourdough breads, sliced pizza, focaccia and ‘cinnamon buns’. Nothing else
- La Mundana. One of the historical gastrotabernas of Barcelona, years already offering contemporary and creatjva kitchen to contained prices. Their bravas are already mythical in the city.
- Gurí. New opening with a kitchen in line with La Mundana, but with Uruguayan influences of its chef. Great ideas in that kitchen and good vegetable dishes.
- Gurí.
- Steel. The hambuguesas and bravas that have won a thousand awards. Safe bet for a party obviously.
- Bar Tremendo. One of our favorite tortillas in town.