Receiving a lottery prize is a piece of luck from heaven, but selling and distributing it is the dream come true for a lottery seller, who culminates his work with such a luck. This is the case of Victor, the lottery seller from Barcelona who saw this January 6 how his work has brought him almost a million euros to the people to whom he sold his Lotería del Niño tickets.
Specifically, his administration has distributed 750,000 euros of the lottery of El Niño 2025 after selling ten tickets worth 75,000 euros each of the number 06766 in his booth in the shopping center Las Arenas.
The lotteryman is in luck, because it is not the first prize that he distributes this holiday season, since in the Christmas lottery he already distributed tenths of the third, fourth and fifth prize, apart from having distributed winning tickets the last four years.
His story has taken on special relevance because the lotteryman has been joined by the birth of his first child on January 2, in a round week for this distributor of luck, which has distributed as much as he has received.