News of closures abound more than those of openings, so we are happy to announce that Barcelona’ s cultural scene is about to recover an emblematic space: the Sala Muntaner, which closed its doors six years ago.
The space will reopen this fall with a new name, Teatre Muntaner (carrer Muntaner, 4), and a completely renovated program focused on humor.
The Sala Muntaner, with more than 20 years of history, closed in September 2018 after a complicated last season and difficulties in finding administrative support, as explained at the time, the theater’s spokesman, Joan Estrada.
The home of “Cut the red wire”, the longest-running show in the country.
Behind this reopening are the producer Sandra Reyes and the actor Toni Cano, who will assume the direction of the theater with other partners. And although an exact date for the reopening has not yet been set, nor has the full program been revealed, the renovation work has already begun. In fact, at present, the door of the theater has a sign above the still closed shutter that reads: “el riure aixeca el teló aquesta temporada a Barcelona”.
The theater wants to become a benchmark of Barcelona’s humorous culture under the slogan “Teatre Muntaner, la casa de la comèdia” (Muntaner Theater, the house of comedy).
Proof of this is the inclusion of ‘Corta el cable rojo’, an improvisation company that has triumphed in Madrid and is already at the Teatre Apolo in Barcelona. This show, of which Sandra Reyes is one of those responsible, will be one of the main shows at the Teatre Muntaner. This show and improvisation is already the longest-running in the country after 12 seasons at the Gran Via, ahead even of the Lion King.
It will not be the only show. Works such as Nozing, by Ulala Producciones; Traficantes de endorfinas, by Toni Cano; Magia para normal, by Isaac Jurado; Mejor locas que mal acompañadas, the comedy by Iván Campillo; Carolina Noriega and her show Gilipollas por el mundo; Cosas de padres, by Raúl Massana; Alberto Boira aen La hora de Boira, and Coria Castillo in the xou monòleg A quién no le va a gustar are some of the other shows that can be seen on stage.