Grandparents’ dream come true. Barcelona has inaugurated an interactive map of all the works being done in Barcelona. It has done so in line with the initiative for the renovation and maintenance of the city’s neighborhoods with a total investment of 105 million euros by 2025.
There are 1,300 actions scheduled for the year that will be carried out in 30 neighborhoods covering aspects such as the renovation of sidewalks, street furniture, paving, green spaces and children’s play areas, among others.
The map to see the works live
One of the key points of this project is the implementation of an interactive map that will allow citizens to follow, in real time and street by street, the status of the works. This initiative is part of the Comprehensive Maintenance Plan, which will be deployed over the next two years in all neighborhoods of the city.
The map can be consulted here, and allows to follow in an interactive way all the works and improvements that are being made in the city. Just browse the map and choose the type of works or the area in which you are interested to select the works and see what state they are in.
All the works in Barcelona
Although it is difficult to point out all the works to be done in Barcelona in one year, the Barcelona City Council has left a list of many of the actions to be carried out in 2025. We leave them here.
- Ciutat Vella district: the Raval, the Gòtic and also the Ciutadella park.
- Eixample district: the Nova Esquerra de l’Eixample and Sant Antoni.
- Sants-Montjuïc district: Poble-sec, Marina del Prat Vermell, Font de la Guatlla and Bordeta.
- District of Les Corts: Les Corts.
- District of Sarrià – Sant Gervasi: Les Tres Torres and Sant Gervasi – la Bonanova.
- District of Gràcia: el Coll and Vila de Gràcia.
- Horta-Guinardó district: el Guinardó, la Font d’en Fargues, la Clota and Horta.
- District of Nou Barris: Porta, Can Peguera, la Trinitat Nova and Torre Baró.
- District of Sant Andreu: Baró de Viver, Bon Pastor and Congrés i els Indians.
- Sant Martí District: Vila Olímpica del Poblenou, Diagonal Mar and Front Marítim del Poblenou, Besòs and Maresme, Provençals del Poblenou and Verneda i la Pau.
All the actions are aimed at putting each territory, each neighborhood of the city, at the center and working to improve the quality of public space at the service of citizens. Pavements, sidewalks, furniture and, in general, living spaces with different citizen uses will be renovated. Interventions will be carried out in the following areas:
- 61 pavements.
- 124 sidewalks.
- 29 actions for the improvement and renovation of furniture.
- 136 interventions in parks and gardens.
- 333 actions to improve and renew signage.
- 50 interventions in sewerage.
- 45 in lighting.
- 9 in stairs and elevators.
- 108 in drinking fountains and ornamental fountains.
- 24 works to improve accessibility, such as the removal of electric poles.
- 7 actions on road structures, such as bridges, footbridges or pergolas, among others.
- 352 traffic lights.
- 2 slopes.
In addition, 24 transformation actions will be carried out in 13 neighborhoods in 8 districts:
Ciutat Vella district:
- Action in the Gòtic district, to improve road structures in Plaça de la Vila de Madrid.
Sants-Montjuïc District:
- Intervention on Carrer d’Amposta, in the Font de la Guatlla neighborhood.
District of Sarrià – Sant Gervasi:
- Action on Carrer del Riu de l’Or, in the Sarrià district.
- In Sant Gervasi-Bonanova, three transformation actions will be carried out: in Jesús y Maria street, in Cistercian street (between Passeig de Sant Gervasi and Quatre Camins street) and in Moragas street (between Teodora Lamadrid street and Folguerolas street).
- In the neighborhood of Sant Gervasi – Galvany, the Jardins del Doctor Samuel Hahnemann will be intervened.
District of Gràcia:
- Three actions in the Coll neighborhood: in Plaça de Flandes, Carrer de Pere Llobet and at the intersection of Carrer de Ceuta, Carrer Tirso and Carrer Santuari.
- Two actions in Vila de Gràcia: in Massens street (between travessera de Dalt and Providència street) and in Jardinets de Gràcia, intervention started last week.
District of Horta-Guinardó:
- In the Montbau district, accessibility improvements will be carried out in different phases on Carrer de la Poesia, between Passeig de la Vall d’Hebron and Carrer Vayreda, on one side, and between Passeig de la Vall d’Hebron and Carrer de Joan Sales, on the other.
Nou Barris district:
- Three actions in the Porta district: in Desfar street, d’Emili Roca street and Santa Pau street.
Sant Andreu district:
- In the Bon Pastor district, intervention at the intersection of Ciutat d’Asunción street and Potosí street.
- Four actions in the Sant Andreu district: on Carrer de Sant Hipòlit, on the Sant Andreu stream (between Carrer Gran de Sant Andreu and Carrer de Bascònia), on Carrer de Sant Narcís and Carrer de les Roquetes, and at the intersection of Carrer del Marquès de Santillana and Carrer de Cuba.
District of Sant Martí:
- Two actions in the Camp de l’Arpa del Clot neighborhood: in Plaça de Sant Josep de Calasanç and Plaça de les Heroïnes de Girona, interventions to begin at the end of 2025.
- In the Besòs and Maresme neighborhood, work will be carried out on Carrer d’Alfons el Magnànim, between Carrer de Jaume Fabre and Carrer de Llull.