As every year, the Barcelona City Council has set up points throughout the city to collect Christmas trees used during the holidays.
From January 7 to 17 there will be 226 points distributed in 10 districts of the city, so that everyone has a point nearby to not leave the tree lying around and thus facilitate their recycling.
What is done with the collected trees?
For some time now, the Barcelona City Council, through Parcs i Jardins, has been converting the trees into mulch for the city’s parks and gardens. Mulching is, in essence, the soil on which other species are planted, a layer of shredded organic material that is made from organic waste.
To do this, the cleaning services collect the used trees, the Parcs i Jardins staff shreds them and leaves them to rest for two or three months, to finally distribute the mulch in the city’s parks.
Last year, 10,273 trees were collected and turned into 195 m³ of shredded material, the equivalent of an Olympic-sized swimming pool of recycled organic material.E
Where to return your Christmas tree?
On this page of the City Council you can enter your address to find out where your nearest collection point is.
However, the City Council asks you to return the trees clean of decorations, balls or tinsel to facilitate the recycling process.