That we Catalans are obsessed with the weather is obvious. It may be because of our fondness to go hiking in the mountains or to make a getaway when we can, but the truth is that in Catalonia we look at the sky more than in other regions.
For the same reason, nothing like an alert from the Servei Metereològic de Catlaunya, the Meteocat, to make us raise our ears and pay attention to what will happen.
We have become accustomed to hearing that the Meteocat activates green, orange, yellow or red alerts, but the truth is that, beyond the obviousness of the colors, we do not always know what each one means. Today we explain what each Meteocat alert means so that you know what to expect the next time you read a red alert in any of our news.
Green Alert: No danger
- What it means: No adverse weather phenomena are expected. You can enjoy the day without worries.
- Recommendations for the population: None specific. Just stay informed in case the forecast changes.
Yellow Alert: Moderate risk
- What it means: Meteorological phenomena that can be annoying or dangerous for vulnerable groups or specific activities. An example could be weak frosts, moderate rainfall, wind gusts or small snow episodes.
- Recommendations for the population:
- Cold: Bundle up properly and avoid prolonged exposure to the open air.
- Rain or snow: Check road conditions and drive with caution, especially in rural areas.
- Wind: Remove objects from outdoors that may be blown away, such as flower pots or awnings.
- In general: Stay informed through official sources and avoid risky activities.
Orange: Important risk
- What it means: More intense meteorological phenomena that can significantly affect people and cause material damage.
- Example: very low temperatures, torrential rains, heavy snowfall, intense waves or dangerous winds.
- Recommendations for the population:
- Cold: Stay indoors whenever possible and pay attention to elderly people, children and those living in poorly insulated dwellings.
- Rain or snow: Avoid unnecessary travel and check road conditions before going out.
- Wind: Secure windows, doors and any outdoor objects. Avoid walking near trees or unstable structures.
- Surf: Do not go near the coast or engage in activities at sea.
- In general: Be prepared for interruptions in basic services and have an emergency kit on hand (water, non-perishable food, flashlight, etc.).
Red: Extreme risk
- What it means: Severe weather phenomena that represent a generalized danger to the population and property.
- Example: extreme cold or heat waves, historic rainfall, massive snowfall or hurricane force winds.
- Recommendations:
- Cold: Stay indoors and avoid any outdoor activity. Use heating systems safely to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning.
- Rain or snow: Do not travel unless strictly necessary. Follow the instructions of the authorities at all times.
- Wind: Stay away from windows and do not go outside except in an emergency. Avoid driving.
- Surf: Prohibit any activity near the sea. Respect safety signs.
- In general: Be prepared for power outages, road closures and possible evacuations. Follow Civil Protection indications.