The fall of the omnibus decree that included, among other social measures, subsidies and aids to the prices of public transport has meant an earthquake for users of metro, bus and Rodalies, who have seen how, from one day to the next, the transport tickets they use in their daily lives have doubled in price almost by surprise.
The drop in subsidies means a drop in the 50% subsidy on tickets: 30% depending on the government and 20% depending on the ATM. The Autoritat Metropolitana del Transport (ATM) has announced that it will maintain 20% of its subsidy, so the prices, as far as metropolitan transport is concerned (metro, city buses, streetcar…) will increase, but they will not remain exactly as they were before the subsidies that started to be granted in 2019.
However in the case of Rodalies and Renfe, where 50% of the subsidies depended entirely on the Central Government, the aid falls altogether, so that prices are again exactly the same as five years ago.
Below , we tell you how are the definitive prices of metro bus and train without the subsidies.
Prices of metro and bus tickets in Barcelona
In the transports that depend on the ATM, the price of the tickets will go up that 30% bonus that the Government will stop paying.
The ATM has announced, however, that the tickets will keep the full bonus until February 10, so that, until then, metro and bus tickets will keep the same prices agreed at the end of 2024.
The prices that will remain unchanged, since they were not subsidized, are:
Single ticket: 2.65 euros (1 zone).
T-Casual: 12,55 euros (10 trips, 1 zone)
On the other hand, the tickets of the most frequent users will notice the difference.
Zone | Price with subsidy | Price without subsidy |
Zone 1 | 22,00 € | 35,20 € |
Zone 2 | 29,65 € | 47,44 € |
Zone 3 | 41,60 € | 66,56 € |
Zone 4 | 50,90 € | 81,44 € |
Zone 5 | 58,35 € | 93,36 € |
Zone 6 | 62,55 € | 100,08 € |
From 44 euros to 70.40 euros (90 days, under 30 years old), with a single price for all fare zones.
T-Usual FM/FN
Zone | Original Price | Price with 60% increase |
Zone 1 | 17,60 € | 28,16 € |
Zone 2 | 23,70 € | 37,92 € |
Zone 3 | 33,25 € | 53,20 € |
Zone 4 | 40,70 € | 65,12 € |
Zone 5 | 46,75 € | 74,80 € |
Zone 6 | 50,05 € | 80,08 € |
Prices of Rodalies and RENFE trains
Renfe and Rodalies tickets are the most affected by the blow, since all their subsidy depended on the Government, so the variations in prices are significant, with several tickets going from being free to costing their full price from one day to the next .
Of course, it is important to note that free Rodalies and Media Distancia passes purchased before January 23, 2025 will remain valid until April 30, 2025. For the rest, we leave you the comparative table with the prices before and after the subsidies.
Ticket | With subsidy | Without subsidy (current) |
Rodalies monthly pass (Zone 1) | Free | 28,10 € |
Quarterly season ticket Rodalies (Zone 1) | Free | 101,40 € |
Rodalies single ticket (Zone 1) | 2,65 € | 2,65 € |
Bonotren Rodalies (10 trips/90 days, Zone 1) | 11,30 € | 11,30 € |
Rodalies monthly travel pass (Zone 2) | Free | 33,60 € |
Quarterly Pass Rodalies (Zone 2) | Free | 114,55 € |
Single ticket Rodalies (Zone 2) | 3,10 € | 3,10 € |
Bonotren Rodalies (10 trips/90 days, Zone 2) | 17,95 € | 17,95 € |