Navas is a neighborhood that was created relatively recently. Until the nineteenth century it was still an agricultural area, through which ran a stream, the Torrent de la Guineu, and in the twentieth century began, little by little, its construction to become the area it is now.
The torrent disappeared years ago, but now, some neighbors want this to be the name of the neighborhood, since, according to them, it represents them more.
As it is a “new creation” neighborhood, the name given to it was Navas, since Navas de Tolosa Street is its main street. This name, however, is not to everyone’s liking.
For that reason, last September the Association of Neighbors of Navas started a campaign to collect signatures to call Navas, Torrent de la Guineu. At the moment, they need at least 700 signatures for the Consell del Districte to evaluate it.
In case of obtaining a positive response from the District, the proposal would be taken to the Barcelona City Council and, ultimately, the Ponencia del Nomenclator, the commission in charge of the names of the streets of the city, would give its final verdict.
How to sign?
First of all, for the citizen proposal it is necessary to be over 16 years old and be registered in the district of Sant Andreu.
From here, there are two modalities, one online through this link DECIDIM.BARCELONA and another in person.
In the case of wanting to do it in person, these are the schedules and points of collection of signatures in physical format:
- Local de la Asociación de Vecinos y Vecinas de Navas: 📆Days: Every Monday⏰Time : from 17h to 19h📍Address: C/ de Las Navas de Tolosa, 310, local baix.
- Local de la Agrupación excursionista Muntanya: 📆Days: from Monday to Thursday ⏰Timetable: from 6pm to 8pm📍Address: C/ del Montsec, 9
- Signing point at Avda Meridiana with Fabra i Puig. 📆Days: Monday, Wednesday and Friday⏰Schedule : from 8pm to 9pm.
The collection of signatures will end on November 25.