Comte d’Urgell street has dawned this Monday cut to traffic in two sections. The reason: the connection works of the Vallès and Llobregat-Anoia lines of FGC, which in a new phase include the construction of the Hospital Clínic and Francesc Macià stations of metro line 8, in the extension that will connect Plaça Espanya with Gràcia.
Specifically, this Monday, January 20, the section between Rosselló and Còrsega streets was closed to traffic to begin work on a shaft at the Clínic station.
Cuts between Comte d’Urgell and Hospital Clínic
From 23 February, the roadway on Carrer del Comte d’Urgell will be completely blocked between Plaça de Francesc Macià and Carrer de Buenos Aires. To mitigate the acoustic impact of these works for neighbors and adjacent buildings, the Department of Territory, Housing and Ecological Transition of the Generalitat de Catalunya has announced that acoustic screens of 3 meters high and an additional protection of 6 meters will be installed around the drilling machines.
These works will modify the usual routine of more than 30,000 vehicles on the Comte d’Urgell and Hospital Clínic section. To this end, from today the direction of Rosselló street between Urgell and Calàbria will be reversed and vehicles will have to turn towards this section and continue along Londres, Gelabert and Entença streets to rejoin Diagonal.
Bus lines V11 and N12 will be diverted along València and Casanova streets, with new stops at València-Comte d’Urgell and Casanova-Hospital Clínic. The stops at Comte d’Urgell-Mercat del Ninot and Comte d’Urgell-Hospital Clínic will be cancelled during this period.
For bicycle users, the bike lane, already temporarily cut between Provença and París, will be diverted through Provença and Calàbria streets going uphill, and through Londres, Calàbria and Provença, or París, Enric Granados and Provença streets going downhill.
Cuts between Comte d’Urgell and Francesc Macià
On the second section of Carrer del Comte d’Urgell and Francesc Macià, the 18,000 vehicles that pass through here daily will be able to circulate on the central carriageway of Diagonal, at the intersection with Numància, but only in one lane towards Francesc Macià, while two mandatory turning lanes will be enabled towards Numància.
The roadway on the Besòs side of Avinguda Josep Tarradellas will be opened in two directions between Comte Borrell and Francesc Macià. In addition, a new access will be created from Francesc Macià to Borrell, connecting with Buenos Aires.
In the Francesc Macià area, the bike lane will be temporarily closed. To guarantee cycling mobility, a temporary bike lane will be provided exclusively on the Villarroel section between Diagonal and París, in the downward direction. In ascending direction, the detour will be made through Londres and Josep Tarradellas streets.
Bus line V9 will turn off along Josep Tarradellas, turn onto Gelabert and return to Tarradellas in the upward direction before rejoining Viladomat. The stops at Comte d’Urgell-Londres and Londres-Hospital del Sagrat Cor will be cancelled, but there will be an alternative stop at Josep Tarradellas-Francesc Macià.
These works are part of a total investment project of 412 million euros to improve the metro network, which will finance the construction of a 4-kilometer tunnel by tunnel boring machine and three new stations: Hospital Clínic (interchange with L5), Francesc Macià (interchange with streetcar) and Gràcia (FGC). In addition, the existing Plaça Espanya and Gràcia stations will be remodeled.