Spanish Television will broadcast in Catalan . Or at least, one of its channels La 2 and only in Catalonia. RTVE’s La 2 will be broadcast entirely in Catalan in Catalonia within two years after the omnibus decree that Junts and the PSOE signed yesterday to save pensions or transport subsidies, and in which the Catalanist party wrested an unexpected concession: the broadcasting in Catalan in Catalonia of the second channel of the Spanish public television.
This has been explained by the leader of Junts in the Congress, Miriam Nogueras, and confirmed later by the Minister of Presidency, Albert Dalmau. The change is part of the pact for the renewal of the board of directors of RTVE, and seeks to “strengthen the protection and promotion of the Catalan language and improve its social use”.
A more Catalan TVE 2
The decision is part of the pact reached in the Congress to unblock the renewal of RTVE’s board of directors, which was approved last November. This body will now include figures such as Miquel Calçada, known as Mikimoto, (proposed by Junts) and Sergi Sol (proposed by ERC). The agreement between several political forces, including the PSOE, Unidas Podemos and the PNV, has made it possible to move forward with this renewal after months of deadlock, as it was included in the negotiation of the omnibus decree.
In addition, as part of the plan to reorganize the Catalan audiovisual sector, Minister Dalmau has announced that TV3 will start broadcasting content in Ultra High Definition (UHD) before the summer, offering a leap in the quality of its content. This improvement will be possible thanks to a change in the multiplex that will increase the technical quality of the contents of the Catalan public channel.
The first changes will begin to be implemented before the summer, from the performances on La 2 to the UHD broadcasts of TV3. The idea of the Generalitat with all these measures is to promote the social use of Catalan and consolidate its own competitive audiovisual industry.