That scooters have been the protagonists of Barcelona traffic for some years now is no mystery. The fast and silent passage of Personal Mobility Vehicles (PMV) on sidewalks and roads has frightened more than one and it is now more than usual to coexist with electric scooters in our daily lives, as well as to hear the complaints of neighbors who live with them and the periodic requests for specific regulations for these transports.
Now this regulation has arrived. As ofFebruary 1,2025, a new traffic ordinance will come into force that will impose fines of up to 500 euros on users of electric scooters and bicycles who break the rules. This measure seeks to improve road safety and coexistence in the streets of the city.
In just two days since its implementation, the Guardia Urbana has been in action and has fined almost 500 electric scooter users, with the aim of making the activation of the regulation more visible.
Up to 500 euros fine for riding on the sidewalk
Barcelona has taken action on the issue, and has prepared a battery of measures and penalties to regulate the circulation of these vehicles. The main rules are as follows.
- Prohibited circulation on sidewalks: The new regulation prohibits the circulation of scooters on sidewalks under any circumstances, establishing a fine of 500 euros for those who violate this rule. A recent study by the RACC reveals that, currently, three out of four scooter users ride on the sidewalk, underlining the need for this measure.
- Bicycles will also have restricted access to sidewalks, with some exceptions: Children under 12 years of age accompanied by an adult and children under 14 years of age or adults transporting minors in child seats on streets without bike lanes.
- Mandatory use of helmets: Electric scooter riders must wear helmets, with fines of 100 euros for non-compliance.
- Speed limits: 25 km/h in general and 10 km/h in bike lanes on sidewalks. Exceeding this speed will also carry a fine of €500.
- Circulation: Electric scooters will be allowed to circulate on bike lanes and roadways of secondary network streets, where the maximum speed allowed is 30 km/h. Their circulation is prohibited on streets of the basic network, with speed limits of 50 kilometers per hour. On pedestrian streets, while bicycles and scooters are not prohibited (as resident vehicles, cabs and delivery vehicles also circulate at specific times), users are obliged to dismount and continue on foot “in situations of crowded pedestrian areas.
- Prohibition of passengers: MPVs are defined as single-passenger vehicles, meaning that only one person may ride in them, without an accompanying person.
- Parking: The new ordinance also regulates the parking of these vehicles, prohibiting them from being tied to trees, traffic lights, benches, containers or any other element of urban furniture.
Motorcycle parking
The new ordinance also addresses the complex issue of motorcycle parking on sidewalks. Priority is given to parking on the roadway and the prohibition of parking on sidewalks less than three meters wide is recalled , with a penalty of 50 euros. As a novelty,the parking of motorcycles on the access sidewalks to schools and hospitals is prohibited, with a fine of 500 euros.