We know the Barcelona Pride organized by the City Council during these days. O the one in Sitges. Also concerts organized by Pride! which have already become a festival in itself. But there is, at one end of Barcelona, a neighborhood where a neighborhood Pride is organized, away from the spotlight but where the LGTBIQ+ reinvindation is expressed not by the big entities, but by the neighbors.
On Saturday, July 6 at 6 pm, the Pride of Trini returns, in the Trinitat Vella Metro station (L1), with a program that this year, in its fourth edition, will be held under the slogan “We have always been”.
The past, present and future of the LGTBIQ+ collective’s demands will be the common thread of this year’s event. So much so that the poster brings together symbols of the queer collective imaginary, but also people who have put the body in the struggle for the recognition of sexual and gender diversity in the same neighborhood, as the dancer and neighbor of the Trinitat Vella La Waka or Flor del Campo, trans activist of the Trinidad Vieja.
Throughout the day , some twenty LGTBIQ+ entities and groups of reference in the city will participate, as well as various organizations in defense of gender and sexual freedoms such as ACATHI, Acción Periférica or the Observatory against LGTBI-phobia, which will also be the Lilac and Iridescent Point of the day.
This Pride wants to respond, especially, to the LGTBI-phobic attack that the neighborhood experienced on July 25 with the burning of an LGTBIQ+ flag that had been hung on the balcony of the Forn Trinitat. The flag had been installed as part of an initiative for businesses, organizations and neighbors in the neighborhood to show their support for the group.
Trini’s Pride Program
- 17.30h – Torna l’Orgull de la Trini!, with La Jenny DJ
- 18h – Welcome to the Pride with music and memory, by Vidda Priego and Somsò Batucada
- 18.30h – “And these are the things we have to learn to live with?” a càrrec de Tiriti Trans
- 19h – La rua de l’Orgull de la Trini: “Sempre hem estat”. Amb Vidda Priego, Diables Trinifoc, Roller Derby Barcelona, Panteres Grogues, Bruixes Trinitat Nova, Somsò Batucada… i veïns i veïnes de la Trinitat Vella! Recorregut de la rua: Llosa del Metro, Via Barcino street, Tossal street, Turó de la Trinitat street, Plaça de la Trinitat, Madriguera street, Llosa del Metro.
- 19.30h – “There is no pride if there is genocide” by Queer Palestine. Manifest and performance against genocide by Kleo La Faraona. At the Olivera de la Biblioteca Trinitat Vella – J. Barbero
- 20h – Opening of the IV edition of l’Orgull de la Trini. A càrrec de Nou Barris Feminista, Señores Bi-en, Roller Derby Barcelona i la Xarxa de Suport Mutu La Trini.
- 20:30h – “La Trini Drag Race: Vols ser drag per un dia?”, with performances by Bibi Delatazzo, Miss Dannilicious and Capitano Barbaconyo. Come and dance the Pride flashmob with La Waka! Presented by Monna Sequeda.
- At 22h – DJ set with La Jenny DJ