Barcelona has its charm although it is under construction. The new concourse of Sants station, the new tramway stops or the arrival of the AVE to La Sagrera are moments of traffic chaos but that will give us a better communicated and more sustainable city..
Therefore, and as we know that the start of the course can be a bit chaotic, we explain what are the works that are underway this september so that you take it into account before moving around the city.
New Tram Stops
The union of the streetcars TramBesòs and TramBaixwill connect nine municipalities and, although at the moment there is still time to complete the 4 kilometers of track missing between Glòries and Francesc Macià, it is expected to start running in autumn between Glòries and Verdaguer.
In total, Tram users will gain 3 new stations: Monumental, Sicília and Verdaguer. A journey that will take 7 minutes.
The tests of this section have begun this summer, and since they have been satisfactory, the new line will soon be opened to the public. On the other hand, there is still no definite date for the completion of the works that will reach Frances Macià.
Ronda de Dalt coverage
Every Barcelonian who has taken the car the last few months has suffered the traffic jams caused by the works to cover the Ronda de Dalt. So far, the stretch from exit five to exit six has been covered and one of the three lanes of traffic in both directions has been restricted.
After this first phase, the works will continue in the Llobregat direction, up to the Vall d’Hebron Institute. With this, 350 meters more will be added to the almost 200 already completed.
These covering works are expected to be completed in 2027 and the new space will be considered a tunnel, which is why emergency exits will also be installed.
Arrival of the AVE at La Sagrera
Of the works on this list, perhaps this will be the first to finish. At the moment, it is going at a good pace and it is expected that the first non-stop trains can start passing soon.
When the project is completed, the la Sagrera station will be an intermodal connection point, since in the same station we can find high-speed trains, Rodalies, metro and buses. In addition, given its large size, it will be one of the largest stations of its kind in Europe.
On the other hand, the works are part of a larger project in which a linear park of 4km is planned.
New concourse at Estació de Sants
A radical change is planned for Estació de Sants. The idea is to create a large concourse and integrate the station into the neighborhood so that people can enter from all sides. Now the station is surrounded by two large squares and is poorly connected visually with the Barrio de Sants, as if it were a bolet that has been placed there. The aim of this project is to put an end to these barriers that separate Sants from its station.
Although there is still a long way to go before we can see this new station, one of the first phases of the project has already been completed, moving traffic so that Adif can begin work on the concourse at Plaça dels Països Catalans. So moving around can be a bit complicated, as traffic lanes have been closed and others have changed direction.
Pavement change and works in La Rambla
Until now, in La Rambla de Barcelona coexisted the busy traffic of the city, with two lanes on each side, and the hundreds of passers-by walking around. Anyone who has passed by there, knows that it was, and is, a real chaos.
La Rambla is one of the areas of the city most visited by tourists and the amount of people there sometimes makes it impossible to circulate, whether in a vehicle or on foot. For this reason, the City Council, with the new project, wants to dedicate more space to pedestrians and less to cars.
The works on La Rambla are expected to be finished in 2027. So we still have three years of seeing asphalt machines and operators on either side. The end result will be a uniform Rambla, where cars will fit, but fewer, and where the central pedestrian lane will occupy most of the space.